Click any of the three Group expansion buttons that appear in the lower right corner of groups in the Format tab: (note that you'll then need to navigate to the Text Options / Text Fill & Outline section of the pane that appears).Click the Text Outline button, move the mouse over Weight and then click More Lines in the sub menu that appears:.We now need to show the Format Task Pane with the Text Fill and Line options and there are several ways to do this.Now select the text frame (the box around the text) and click the Format tab in the PowerPoint ribbon.Add a text box to the slide and write your desired "special" text within it:.We're using the default Office theme in this article. Note that actual colours will depend on the template/theme you are using. Below is a step by step guide to the process. Well, we're going to go back to the first issue and make use of what we did to demonstrate it. But although the glow effect transparency can can be set, the feathered edges cannot: One might then consider using the glow effect instead since this renders from the perimeter of the glyph outwards, without encroaching the inner area of the text. This isn't usually a problem when adding a basic thin outline to text but since we're creating "fat" bubble text, it doesn't yield the desired effect as seen here because the outline appears (somewhat unexpectedly) both inside and outside of the text: To demonstrate the problem, here is some black text where a thick red outline has been applied and then this outline has had its transparency set to 30% so we can see the rendering challenge when zooming into the 'x' character (glyph): But because Microsoft renders outlines on text equally inside and outside of the outer perimeter of the font outline, it doesn't work as required. So why is this creating this kind of text effect not straight forward?įor frequent PowerPoint content authors, it may look like the affect in the article header should be really easy to implement by simply setting the the outline of the text to orange and the required width. You can also achieve the same with PowerPoint:mac 20 although the references to the PowerPoint UI will be different.
We're using PowerPoint 2016 for the PC but the same steps apply to 20. By the end, you'll be able to recreate the "Bubble Text" in the image at the top of this article but along the way, you'll have discovered many techniques that can be applied more generally to your presentation creation workflow.
You discover how to use some of the advanced features of the Format Task Pane, how to organise your content with the Selection Task Pane, how to use special keyboard shortcuts and hidden context sensitive menus. Throughout this article, you'll discover lots of tips and tricks to make your PowerPoint sessions more productive, creative and dare I say, more enjoyable.